Wednesday, January 18, 2017

If your life was just a breath or a shadow ... How would you live it?

Wow … so I know what He has laid on my heart to be my main study for the time being; however, being the outstanding, fun, creative God He is that is so playful … He took me on a pleasant side trail … or bunny trail as I call them.  Bunny trails are good when you get insight, accountability and strengthened through them. 

Father God, Yahweh, Jehovah-Jireh,
I give thanks and praise to you for all you are doing in and through me.  My heart is filled with peace, joy and anticipation for what you have for me today.  With the authority, you have given to me, I speak to my eyes to be open to see, my ears that they may hear, my heart that it may receive and my mind to understand the insight you have for me today.  Thank you for your loving faithfulness.  In Yahweh, Jehovah-Jireh’s name, I pray.  Amen.

Here’s my insight from today …

David wrote:  Psalm 144:4. Man is like a breath; His days are like a passing shadow.

Per Acts 13:22 David was a man after knowing God's heart.  Despite David's flesh and poor choices, God knew him and said that he would accomplish all that He wanted him to do.  Wow, makes you stop and think ... What will God say about me and my life? Does God have the confidence I will lay down my flesh and DO what God wants? (hmm ... God's really been speaking to me on preparing and doing intensely lately.)

Talk about a ponder point for sure!

Talk about perspective shift!

If my life is just a breath (some days it feels longer than others!), then I want ... No, I NEED ... to make sure it smells and tastes great.  That it is found pleasing to God.  I need to make sure my breath counts, that it's not wasted on worldly self.  That it's not wasted on worry or whining or complaining or derogatory or negative spoken authority.  I want my breath of life to impact the Kingdom and be pleasing to the One that matters most.  To leave a rich inheritance.

"My days are like a shadow passing".  Ouch!  Yet another jolting call to accountability.  Shadows are fleeting and temporary.  Unless a brilliant sun is shining on them to burn an impression, they leave no lasting mark.  They can be huge or very tiny to the point of non-existence.  They can provide temporary shade to someone hidden in the shadow ... if and only if it's big enough to even be noticed.

I need to make sure that I am purposefully positioned to have the SON so shining in and through my life that a lasting image of Him in me is burned into the world.  That I'm so centered in the Son light that my shadow is huge and inviting for others to come, be filled with joy and love, to receive, learn and draw closer to God while in my shadow so when my shadow is no longer, theirs’ is boldly, prominently in place with Him for others to continue the process.

"That’s burdensome!", you say.  "No," I say, "It's a yoke that is easy and the burden is light when I'm yoked to God and not the world".  So thankful He carries the weight of the burden and strengthens me as we journey together.

When we are positioned in Son light, the shadow to those who choose to walk in the covering of, is the overflowing of the Son in and through me, drawing them closer to Him.  It's comfort to know when I'm doing and giving my best ... He does all then rest.  Shoot ... He loves me so much He even covers me when I'm not giving my best and picks up my slack so others don't miss out on their blessing.  The only one truly missing out on the blessing is ME!  What Love!

So bold accountability time for me.  With my life being like a breath and my days like a shadow ... Its important I look and purposefully choose how and what I'm doing with my breath and what my shadow is being used for.  If I am hiding under a cover or a lamp shade, then my breath is self-contained and my shadow is not.  So, here's to awareness and freedom to break off all bondages that are keeping me hidden from The Light and constricting my breath.

My breath and my shadow have purpose!

Proverbs 13:22 says a righteous man leaves an inheritance to his children's children.  My life breath and my shadow are my inheritance that I'm leaving for my legacy.

So time to stop allowing the enemy to kill, steal and destroy my breath and shadow.  Time to purposefully choose all I do, say, and believe to make it worthy of passing on in inheritance to my legacy I have been blessed with.

Thank you God for opening my eyes and calling me to accountability through awareness and taking control.  Guide me with your Spirit inside me to take a full, deep breath and cast a gigantic shadow to give you the glory.  It is important that my legacy, who may never meet me in flesh, KNOW You and pass this inheritance down to the end of time.

Your blessings come in the obedience.  In a life of obedience through knowing you, all things are possible with You who strengthens me.  With you there is no lack in any aspect of our lives - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.  I believe.  I receive.  So Be It in Jesus' name.  You are my Jehovah- Jireh.

So, what are you choosing to do today?

It is our desire for you to KNOW God, to share His Word with you but also to share our lives with you in love.  We welcome getting to know you and to be able to love you where you are.  We are honored to support you on your journey to get from where you are to where you want to be. 

Thank you for the investment of your time. 
May you hear and receive what is yours to hear from the sharing of a portion of my insights. 
Be blessed in the Name of the Lord, Yahweh, Jehovah-Jireh.

Created to Serve in Love,

Michelle Wendt
His Beloved, blessed wife and mother
My Father’s Blessing Ministries and Be Healthy His Way Mentor

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Inner Guidance, Innocence, Harmony, Humility

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