Friday, January 20, 2017

Life Lessons from the Hall of Fame

We are currently studying the Hebrews 11 Hall of Famers.  I mean, if their lives were lived in such a way as to make it into the Hebrews 11 Hall of Fame … why wouldn’t we study how and why they received such a high accommodation.  Obviously, there’s information there for us to take note of …and they received this recognition living in a time without electricity, cell phones, google, etc.  Yip, there’s definitely some insight here that we can apply to our lives and as some say … take to the bank. 

Father God, Yahweh, Jehovah-Jireh,
I give thanks and praise to you for all you are doing in and through me.  My heart is filled with peace, joy and anticipation for what you have for me today.  With the authority, you have given to me, I speak to my eyes to be open to see, my ears that they may hear, my heart that it may receive and my mind to understand the insight you have for me today.  Thank you for your loving faithfulness.  In Yahweh, Jehovah-Jireh’s name, I pray.  Amen.

Today is a ponder day on all that we’ve been reading and learning …

Go check out Hebrews 11 when you’ve read this.  I hope to whet your desire to go read, study and learn for yourself from these great heroes.  See who made it into the Hall of Fame and then look at the accounts of their lives.  We’d be here for a while if I were to go through all of them plus it’s like reading the end of a great book first … so I bless you on your time of following the Hall of Famers lives in the Bible. 

Here’s some glimpses of some of their character that encouraged and prompted accountability:
Noah – Okay, so we think we have it rough … There were no others found righteous on the earth besides Noah and his family.  First off, as a parent, I must say, that’s some stellar parenting.  The world was so corrupt God wiped it clean like a white erase board … all except Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives.  Definitely not an easy feat to rise about flesh and not settle for life like everyone else is living.  Talk about instilling very well founded morals and respect in himself as well as his family.  The rest of the world thought they were “freaks”.  Not hard to imagine the ridicule and jokes they were the butt of … and the people then were in even worse shape than the world now.  WoW!  Then besides living such an extreme lifestyle … Noah gets this idea to build this thing with very specific measurements.  Something that’s never been done before (the ark) to prepare for something that’s never been seen before (the rain/flood)? Oh yeah, talk about throwing fuel on the fire of mocking and ridicule.  And yet they still stood firm.  If any of you have built a house or planned something with more than one person … you’re probably aware of everyone wanting their input, their desires implemented, etc.  Noah stood firm on following the exact measurement and material type.  He didn’t try to cut corners or put his own personal tweaks to the design.  (Yikes … going to have to check myself as when I am given a recipe I often start tweaking it from the get go instead of fixing it exactly as it was given to me … hmmm.)  It boils down to, Noah knew God and didn’t settle for less than what God said.  He knew if God said it, he could count on it with his very life as being so.  Oh, there’s so much more insight in Noah’s life for us go look deeper and see what’s there to help you through your now.

Take Abraham, another Hebrews Hall of Famer.  How many of us sang the song Father Abraham when growing up doing those energy depleting actions to help get us settled to hear and receive whatever the teachers had for us.  Did we even know or understand what or who we were singing about?  His life is filled with Hall of Fame notations that give us much beneficial information to apply in our lives today.  He was human and made mistakes but He trusted God with his life … all of it, not just a section.  Accountability check … do we trust God with ALL areas of our lives or do we hold back and think we can do or handle something better than Him or we don’t want to bother Him with some “little thing”.  Yeah right.  Okay, faith check and stretch on that accountability moment.  There’s so much to learn and apply to help raise my life up to new levels from studying Abraham’s life. 

Shoot, I’m remembering back to when my husband and I were praying for a child for two years.  Oh, my heart desires and talks with God during that season of waiting.  Looks a bit humorous when I look at Abraham who stood on God’s promise that he would have a son and not knowing when acted daily expecting God’s promise to be fulfilled.  Even well after he and his wife passed their child bearing prime and essentially everything was dried up and done for by the world’s standards.  He held true for 25 years, faith walking and believing that what God said would happen.  Yes, they were human and got their Ishmael by taking matters in to their own hands.  Like how many Ishmael situations do we have in our walk? No need to count, just repent and move on.  God already has.  Even then, God stayed true to His promise and after 25 years of believing (well beyond their fertile days) and gave them a son.  Whew … I thought two years was long.  Boy, have I got a lot of growing to do!  How exciting to have examples/mentors to follow and live up too.  Society is in such a NOW mode. 
Wow, this is obviously an accountability day for me.  I need to go back and see what God has directed for me that I have not held onto and focused as Abraham to the moment of fulfillment.  Honestly, it’s kind of exciting!  Okay, so I’m not even going to dive in to all the other fine examples we should learn from Abraham (like going to sacrifice son with the confidence of knowing God promised descendants and understanding that sacrificing his only son was a bit detrimental to such yet the confidence that God had a plan and he was going to walk in it.  Yikes!!! How many times have I let my limited knowledge and experience step in and “fix” a situation.  Looks like I’ve got some accountability time and repenting to do here too.  Don’t worry if you don’t see or hear from me for a while!  LOL)

Okay, so I could go on down the list of Hall of Famers … hopefully you get what I’m talking about in diving in and examining the lives of these people and apply what’s laid on your heart to your life.  However, we must get to today’s Ponder Point. 

For those that know me, this will not be a surprise ponder point at all.  Especially those that we’ve gotten to celebrate in our ministry home.  So now to my Ponder Point:  Birthdays. 
We celebrate birthdays of children to acknowledge the accomplishments of the year.  To mark a milestone.  My mom always made birthdays a special day for the person.  To honor and reflect on what all we’d accomplished in the past year and to look forward to the coming year with hope and expectation of what we’d accomplish.  Yip, you guessed it, I do too.  Honestly, I haven’t researched example of “birthday” parties in the Bible.  However, I have noted celebrations of milestones or special events that were marked with a pillar of stones or in other ways to help remind them.  A prompter of accountability.

 Under the world’s influence or influence of the flesh, today birthdays of children tend to appear in many cases to feed the lusty cries of flesh and give me, I deserve, entitlement spirit.  Many adults at some point seem to just stop celebrating them all together and treat it as just another day.  As those that have been a part of our ministry and in our ministry homes, you know we celebrate your special day because you are worthy to reflect and mark all that you have accomplished in the past and to seek and look forward to what God is going to do in and through you in the coming year.  An opportunity to speak life into you and your spirit within.   I have always seen it from a perspective of the person not feeling worthy or valuable enough to celebrate the day they were placed on this earth with a purposed mission.  In class this week I was blessed with an ah ha moment and thus me ponder point …
Do we NOT celebrate our birthdays because we don’t want to be held accountable of looking to see what has been accomplished in and through our lives over the past year?  Are we ashamed of standing accountable to ourselves (forget others) of how we have spent our time, energy, finances? 

I mean, if we don’t look then we don’t have to acknowledge whether we are sticking true to who we are, our dreams, goals, focus.  As long as we stay in constant motion doing something – playing games on our phones or computers, constantly prepping, running in circles, moving piles from one place to another then back again – then it is easy to “feel” productive as long as we are not checking the “fruits” of our busyness. 

OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! I’ve already been being stirred to look at why I am doing what I am doing.  Questioning if it is truly beneficial or just busy work.  Assessing if it is a step towards my focus or if it is an activity to kill, steal, and destroy my time, energy, finances, relationships, etc.   Talk about stepping it up to the next level of checking to see if I’m truly supposed to be doing each action or step I do.  Some are done out of routine or learned patterns/expectations from others … not because it is a part of who I am created to be and my called purpose.  This puts even more accountability and emphasis on when I’m asked to do something or feel obligated to do something … to make sure I’m in the perspective of seeking that “I am to do it” rather than coming from the perspective of “looking for a reason NOT to do it”.  Our lives are constantly bombarded with “good deeds”, help me, do this, do that, expectations of others, unhealthy self-expectations … a very stealthy way for the enemy to access our lives to kill, steal, and destroy the fruit bearers of our lives. 

Ultimately, I’m accountable for my created purpose and produced fruit from the fulfillment of living it out … not helping or doing someone else’s called purpose.  (Even in the world’s standards if you don’t do your job you get fired.)  I want to hear and see in my life the fulfillment of

Matthew 25:21 “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’,

I want to be found faithful with a little – so be busy focusing on your own little and run with me as I focus on mine to be found faithful, given much and ULTIMATELY … to “enter into the joy of the Master”.  I sooooo want to bring Him joy as I treasure the experience when the joy comes up from within the depths of my being that happy tears flow while joy and laughter flow forth from my mouth, my eyes, every pore of my being.  I am made in His image thus this experience, which is powerful in my limited being, is magnified in His ultimate being.  This experience of the depths of joy has been manifesting in my life more and more each day.  In sharing with my husband and sons what’s on my heart, I’m so overwhelmed with joy of being faithful with the little that my being just expands with such excitement … I’m often unable to find adequate words to express the joy and the joyful tears just flow … if this is just even a sliver of the Ultimate joy my Master experiences then I’m going to keep on keeping on because its beyond priceless.   

So, I leave you pondering these things in your own life.  May you be filled with a Christ perspective and energized to “not settle” and go after the “Ultimate”.  (Dare I even mention another of the Hebrews 11 Hall of Famers that didn’t even settle in death but even made preparation for his bones as he was not settling for less than God’s promise. Go check I out!  Alas I must go be a DOER.)

Ultimate blessings!

It is our desire for you to KNOW God, to share His Word with you but also to share our lives with you in love.  We welcome getting to know you and to be able to love you where you are.  We are honored to support you on your journey to get from where you are to where you want to be. 

Thank you for the investment of your time. 
May you hear and receive what is yours to hear from the sharing of a portion of my insights. 
Be blessed in the Name of the Lord, Yahweh, Jehovah-Jireh.

Created to Serve in Love,

Michelle Wendt
His Beloved, blessed wife and mother
My Father’s Blessing Ministries and Be Healthy His Way Mentor

For our Be Healthy His Way Team – Emotion Study Group:

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Common Sense, Longevity, Clary Sage, Ledum, Ocotea

To support and expand in these areas:

Empowered, Flexible, Reasonable, Gratitude,
Forgiveness, Moving Forward, Humility

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