God is watching over us! The other day as we were pulling into our driveway, we noticed our new neighbor sitting in his truck with binoculars next to our drive. We stopped and asked him if he was okay. He was quite embarrassed as he was explaining that he was watching his cow which was due to calve. He explained, I have no children, so these cows are my babies and I just need to watch her until she has the calf to make sure that she does not have any trouble. He was out there all day and even after dark keeping his eyes on this cow. This may seem silly but as I watched him, I thought about how the bible says in Job 34:21 “God watches where people go; he sees every step they take. and is Psalms 139:7 “I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! NLT As I thought about this it gave me such a beautiful picture of how God watches over us. Like my neighbor did not crowd his cow but sat back at a safe distance and watched with his binoculars, God never crowds us. He sits up in the heavens and watches at a distance and then gently prompts us if we need to move, change or turn. He is such a gentleman, He asks us to seek Him instead of being and pushy and forcing himself on us. When we choose to come closer to Him, James 4:8 says “…He will draw near to you.” When we choose to seek Him, He says we will find Him. My neighbor’s cows are not the ordinary auction cows but they are show cows and the loss of one cow would cost him a lot of money but that is not why He was watching the cow. He was watching the cow because he has put a value on that cow that was worth much more than money. He valued her because in his heart she is one of his children. He wanted to ensure her safety and well being as a father would a child. In James 1:18 the bible tells us “He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession”. You see, we sometimes think for some reason that God is too busy to help us, we are too bad to be loved by God, we are so ordinary that God would not even bother to notice us out of the crowd but that is all wrong. God created each and every one of us. He had a plan in mind to be with us throughout our lives and He made a way that even in our sin we could still maintain our relationship with Him by providing the perfect sacrifice for us. We are a prized possession that He sits back at a distance and watches continually. We are His children and He wants to make sure that we are going to be okay. While my neighbor was embarrassed to express his love for his cows, My God is never embarrassed or ashamed to say He loves me and He loves you. Praying you that as you go through the day today, you can feel the eyes of our Father watching you.
Love your insight Linda! God has given you such a gift in writing and sharing insight of His feelings towards us. I love that He loves us so, is always there and doesn't crowd us.