Friday, January 12, 2018

Are you ASKing? (Be Healthy His Way Vision Study insight)

We have started the New Year by offering an opportunity for those inspired to seek knowing who God says they are and their purpose.  I feel lead to share my journey here that I experience through hosting this study.  I can already tell you just int he preparation for the study ... my life has been rocked and all the better for it.  I am totally looking forward to what is to come.  Excited for all those that are choosing to be a part of this Be Healthy His Way Vision Aromatherapy Bible Study.  We are diffusing Young Living Envision or Frankincense essential oil during our study time.  I personally have chosen to use the Envision essential oil.) 

Scripture Insights:
Matthew 7:7

“Ask and it will be given to you” 

Wow, He had me on the first word.  ASK.  I instantly knew this was an area that I needed to do some AFT work in.  How many times I have experienced and seen others be quieted or reprimanded when they asked for something or even possibly worse, have something else taken away always because they asked for something they couldn’t have.  Talk about impacting a person’s life.  Depending on their perspective, they might not understand that they are not in trouble for asking, it’s just the person being asked responded poorly because they were frustrated at not being able to give what was asked.  This then gets stored in our memory system (amygdala gland) as a “unsafe” or “don’t ask” survival protection mechanism.  The devil is so creatively sneaky.  We as children become programmed to not ask for something unless we know it can happen or we can make it happen ourselves.  This then overflows into our spiritual lives.  Because of the response and our amygdala gland programed to protect us from asking in the flesh / world way, we do not exercise our birthright of ASKING from our Heavenly Father who has to give to us freely, so we can have life abundantly.  Think about it, if the enemy cuts us off at the youngest of ages … then ASKING is a nature part of our created purpose.  How do I know?  Because there are numerous scriptures in the Bible telling us if we will ASK. 

Taking a break to go do some AFT work to remove old mindsets that are keeping me from being able to fully live as purposefully created.  I'll be back!!!


-  So, what’s keeping you from ASKING and receiving?  
-  Is this an area that you need to work through? 
-  What are things you have wanted to ask for but been frozen in doubt, fear, unworthiness so haven’t asked yet?  

(For those wanting to schedule an AFT session with one of our Certified AFT Practitioners, please contact us via or  AFT is a gentle but effective way to permanently remove blocks that have been negatively preventing you from freely growing and expanding as you were purposefully created,)  

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