Monday, December 18, 2017

It's MONDAY ... from ugh to Exuberant JOY!

It’s MONDAY!!!

I must admit … I wasn’t quite as excited about today when I first awoke.  However, in my seeking and planning of the day my hope and excitement of the day has burst forth.  Yet another blessed delight in my life. 

As I sat to focus on the steps of my day and the needs of others asking for my assistance, I turned to whom I seek my guidance.  In the days of so many seeking my services, my eyes rest upon our house and its state of neatness … it reflects that it has not taken priority over the calls, sessions and life events.  My heart constricts seeking affirmation that my husband and sons, my #1 mission field, are not reflecting the same condition as our house.  Since I was a little girl I remember earnestly praying for my husband and children asking God not to come again until I got to know and love them well.  I used to laughingly say, “He honored my requests and my prayers held off the second coming.  Now I have my husband and sons, so you’d better be ready or putting your own pleas to the Father as my prayer had been answered.”   Today, as I contemplate and seek direction, I ponder do I “know and love them well”?  My mother’s heart yearns to know and hear a resounding YES.  The reality check of my flesh replies, “You can always do better.”  Talk about constricting my heart and stopping my breathing.  However, my perspective of looking forward frees my heart and releases my breath as once you experience doing something you are then able to seek new ways of doing it even better.  It’s not a matter of “failing” it’s a matter of reaching a “new level”. 

I know scripture says that as I do His what He asks, He will cover my family.  My faith is every growing and this wife and mom’s heart knows this but sometimes there’s a still small voice that is contrary to the promises I stand on and it must be bound and squished.  In my seeking affirmation for my steps Luke 7:27 and Matt 7:7-8 are brought to my awareness today.  So, in my curious state I look up the references and my heart overflows with the small ways the affirmation of obedient steps I take are shown. 
Matthew 7:7-8 (AMPC)
Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you.
For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, [the door] will be opened.

These Words sooth my heart and prompt me to continually Ask, Seek and Receive (It’s not begging its sowing seeds, standing declaring and decreeing the scriptures, and purposefully reaping my harvest!)  especially on behalf of myself and my family, my #1 mission field.  I know the passion that burns within me and I trust that the Source that created me with that passion knows my heart and loves my family that I was gifted even more than I do … which is mind boggling as I know the intensity of my love for my husband and sons. 

I give thanksgiving praise for the affirmation and eagerly look up Luke 7:27 to see what was written for just this moment in my life and I find this …

Luke 7:27 (AMP)
This is the one of whom it is written [by the prophet Malachi], ‘Behold, I send My messenger ahead of YouWho will prepare Your way before You.’

Oh Yeah!  Talk about major WIN!  Talk about affirmation.  As long as I am seeking His guidance, I will have VICTORY … even if I stumble and my actions choose less than His best for me.  He loves me so much.  He guarantees my victorious success despite myself because He sends His Messenger to prepare the way for me.  I must take the first step for my life to open for Him to do what He does so creatively well.  It’s not about meeting other people’s expectations or even my own expectations … its all about meeting His expectations which may not be easy, but they are always simple and always start with just one step where He always meets us and carries us from there. 

So, it is with a renewed and energized confidence that I now look to this Monday with exhilarated hope (exceeding expectation) of what blessed Joy this day is going to bring to myself, those I encounter and the One who created me to be His Joy.  I already know the day is filled with greatness and I get to be a part of it because I’m choosing to take the first step of doing.  Look out World … here I come, love, laughter, hugs and ALL!

What step are you being asked to take this grand day?  Are you dreading or expecting?  Boldly stepping or frozen in place?  

Thank you for the investment of your time. 
May you hear and receive what is yours to hear from the sharing of a portion of my insights. 
Be blessed in the Name of the Lord, Yahweh, Jehovah-Jireh.

Created to Serve,

Michelle Wendt, CAFTP, CEFT, OM
His Beloved, blessed wife and mother, My Father’s Blessing Ministries and Be Healthy His Way Life

For our Be Healthy His Way – Emotion Study Group:

Today diffusing and using:

Dream Catcher, Inspiration, AromaEase, En-R-Gee, 
Common Sense, Build Your Dream, Fulfill Your Destiny

To support and expand in these areas:

Growth, Ignited, Motivated, Alive, Connection, Flexible,
At-One-Ment, Unconditional Love, Openness, Complete, 
Illumination, Respect, Directed, Passion, Awareness, 
Safety, Clarity, Harmony, Confident, Strength, Steadfast

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