Praying that your heart, mind, eyes, ears and soul be open to receive what is yours to receive from sharing just a minute portion of my thoughts for the day. (Those that know me ... especially my husband and sons ... know that my mind and thoughts flow faster than the Kansas winds when His Passion that He created me with is ignited! LOL)
So my life is constantly being taken higher, tent pegs being stretched wider, emotions and mindset constantly being refined and sifted and the list goes on. It is such an honor to be in a study group of people who are purposefully reading Ecclesiastes. Honestly, if it weren't for this group, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't normally turn to Ecclesiastes to be study, but I'm thankful I am.
Today while reading, the realization that this book was written well before my time and yet God purposed it for me, where I am today, in this place and time of my growth. Wow! Having grown up with most people making sure I knew how unworthy I was for anything but giving all I had to help them accomplish their current goal ... this in itself stops my heart, causes my eyes to gain moisture and lowers me to my kness ... I truly am worthy and loved ... and so are YOU.
Chapter 3 of Eccelesiastes is about there being a right time for everything. There's a song by The Byrds that used this as their base for their song ... yes ... gasp ... God's word even prevails in secular music! Love it! Here's a link to the song for those that want to hear or for those that the song is now stuck in your mind ... your welcome! Tee Hee
Okay ... now that The Byrds are done singing ... back to my sharing my insight. There is definitely a time for everything. In this advanced age of technology we have so much at our finger tips as well as so many expectations from others as well as self placed that we often are constantly rushing ahead and always feeling way behind. My heart is so full of wanting to share insight that it is easy to get out of balance trying to figure out how to do all that the Lord is laying on my heart and I'm saying YES to. Today, this reminder that there is a time for everything and I am to live in His leading in the "TIME" that I am presently in brings balance, peace and focus. Yes, there are tons of opportunities, coulds, shoulds and wannas ... but today I choose to seek what time it is and what I am to do today.
Verse 12 and 13 (not a big surprise since the verses are on the graphic I created!) says that nothing is better for me (and you) then to rejoice and do good in my (your) life. Pretty cool ... my days are to be filled with rejoicing and doing good. I can so totally do that. Laughter and joy is so deeply a part of me that is painful NOT to laugh and choose joy even in the darkest challenges (and boy have I experienced some of those). However, it goes on to say, "and ALSO that EVERY man (that's you and me) should EAT and DRINK and ENJOY the GOOD of all his labor -- it is the gift of God."
Wait .. STOP ... Back up ... WhAT? Accountability check!!! ... you are filling your day with busyness and DOING however are you ENJOYING the good of your busyness? Are you truly following the leading of the LORD in your daily steps and busyness? Are you enjoying the journey no matter how much of a workout? Are you joyfully eating and drinking the reaping from your labor? Are you receiving AND opening up God's gift to you?
Um, I'm going to go do some pondering on this ... I know I've got the DOING, joyfully giving and loving part down. Thinking I need to make sure I'm receiving and opening GOD's GIFT to me and thoroughly appreciating, enjoying and giving thanks for it. I mean .. you probably know how it feels to select just the perfect gift for someone and then have them not open or use it ... oh my, I think I've kind of done that to God and possibly others in my life. Yip ... time to go ponder, repent and enjoy.
How are you doing in this area? I'd love to hear your insight and journey.
Thank you for the investment of your time.
May you hear and receive what is yours to hear from the sharing of a portion of my insights.
Be blessed in the Name of the Lord, Yahweh, Jehovah-Jireh.
Created to Serve in Love,
Michelle Wendt
His Beloved, blessed wife and mother
My Father’s Blessing Ministries and Be Healthy His Way Mentor
Emotions Study Group:
Today diffusing and using:
Melrose, Purification, Eucalyptus Radiata, M-Grain, Nutmeg
To support and expand in these areas:
Adaptability, Learning, Healing, Laughter, United, Living in the now,
Awareness, Acceptance, Wholeness, Complete, Truth,
Freedom, Direction, Peace, Fun, Strength,
Awareness, Acceptance, Wholeness, Complete, Truth,
Freedom, Direction, Peace, Fun, Strength,
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