Friday, March 17, 2017

Icky, Sticky, Stinky, Muck no more!

Ecclesiastes 4, I started reading this yesterday ... alas my mind, heart and body just weren't there and I felt led instead of persevering with force reading it to mark it off my "To Do" list, I laid it down to come back to when I could sit, be still and receive.  Well, this morning was that time after a day of amazing glorious fullness (and some moments I did well but could have done better).  And now I know why I felt led to lay it down and go "DO" my day.

I read the first few verses yesterday and in my "get it done, mark if off my list" mentality ... it was more dry than sawdust in the hot summer sun.  Today, I made it all the way through the first half of the first verse and God totally had my heart.  Yip, just twelve words in the New King James Version and my heart and knees were buckling.  The Voice version brought it home even more:

"Then I looked again and saw all the oppression that happens under the sun. I saw the tears of the oppressed, and no one offered to help and comfort them. The oppressors exercise all the power, while the powerless have no one to help and comfort them."  Ecclesiastes 4:1 (VOICE)

 I have experienced attacks of oppression in my life.  I was in the grips of some far longer then is comfortable to admit but thankfully that has been repented from and in my past.  The more deeper I go after knowing Him and studying His promises and how to walk through life ... the harder it is to settle for the smallest taste of discouragement, depression, oppression - whatever descriptive word you want to put to it.  It is no longer deceiving to me like a warm, snugly blanket to wrap oneself up in tightly and hunker in for a long rest.  As I grow in understanding and awareness my body, mind, emotions and spirit have become open to the heaviness, confining bondage of this unhealthy yoke.  It's deceptive appeasing glow is no longer.  Where I am now in my growth journey, even a moment of discouragement is very heavy on my heart and spirit.  It's very stifling.  Sucks the air out of my being faster than a helium balloon on the loose.  My inner discomfort is like a high pressure squeal of a tire with a slice in it as it loses its air or at times, like a tire with a bulge that grows bursting forth releasing everything inside and shredding the outside to bits instantaneously.  Today, I am even more thankful the awareness of and constant preventative maintenance to reduce/eliminate accepting the oppression into and upon my life.  

It is written in Galatians 3:13 that we have been redeemed from the curse of the law.
But Christ has bought us out from under the doom of that impossible system by taking the curse for our wrongdoing upon himself. For it is written in the Scripture, “Anyone who is hanged on a tree is cursed” (as Jesus was hung upon a wooden cross). Galatians 3:13 (TLC)  
 It is also written in Genesis 1:16 that we have been honored with spoken authority over all.
God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky, and over the livestock, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”  Genesis 1:16 (WEB)
So then since God's word is truth (John 17:17 NKJV, "Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth." ), we do not have to open the door and receive even a taste of this oppression because unlike those who don't have the hope and promise of God, who have no one to help and comfort them.  We have a merciful, forgiving God of hope, grace, unending love that is always with us waiting for us to invite Him in to our life and situation, allowing Him to comfort, and help no matter what choices (good or bad) that we have made.  He sweeps in, cleans us up, cloaks us with His gifts and sends us out as royalty at a red carpet event.

Being a parent, I glimpse at new levels constantly God's heart in all that He eagerly desires to do and is ready to do for us when we ask, allow Him to do and willingly receive from Him.  I know the love in my heart for my sons (which is nothing compared to God's love for them or me!) and how I want the best for my sons and desire to give my best to help and comfort them on their journey of expansion of their created purpose in life.  Oh how much more is the vastness of God's love and ability to do for each of us.


So now my two part accountability of this insight.

1)  As Believers, how often do we open the door to the enemy's will and step into this oppression?  Choose to wrap ourselves up in it and wallow for a moment, day, week, month or longer?

and even more devastating to my heart and being ...

2)  How many people are in our lives that do not have God as their comforter and helper who are unaware of the hope and comfort that is theirs just by accepting and believing?  What am I doing to come along side them?  Give them comfort, hope and help?

Are my steps purposed to comfort and help as God comforts and helps me?  Even if its a heartfelt word of encouragement, a handshake, a hug, a kind smile, looking them in the eyes and letting them know they are seen by someone ... whatever we're lead to do ... do I DO it?  Do I DO it with a loving, cheerful heart?

What has someone done for you during a time of oppression that gave you the glimpse of hope, breath of much needed air that helped you carry on and make it through the icky, sticky, stinky, muck?

Please share in the comments below.

Sometimes we just need some promptings to get our creative juices flowing in greater degrees.  Sometimes we need a perspective shift, an awareness of different love languages other then our own to expand us to reach out and love others in their language.  The amazing thing that gets me every time ... when we open heartily do for others ... He always blesses us and does for us so much more.

Be blessed on your journey and may you walk even more in His fullness for your life.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Enjoying the good?

Praying that your heart, mind, eyes, ears and soul be open to receive what is yours to receive from sharing just a minute portion of my thoughts for the day.  (Those that know me ... especially my husband and sons ... know that my mind and thoughts flow faster than the Kansas winds when His Passion that He created me with is ignited! LOL)  

So my life is constantly being taken higher, tent pegs being stretched wider, emotions and mindset constantly being refined and sifted and the list goes on.  It is such an honor to be in a study group of people who are purposefully reading Ecclesiastes.  Honestly, if it weren't for this group, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't normally turn to Ecclesiastes to be study, but I'm thankful I am.  

Today while reading, the realization that this book was written well before my time and yet God purposed it for me, where I am today, in this place and time of my growth.  Wow!  Having grown up with most people making sure I knew how unworthy I was for anything but giving all I had to help them accomplish their current goal ... this in itself stops my heart, causes my eyes to gain moisture and lowers me to my kness ... I truly am worthy and loved ... and so are YOU.   

Chapter 3 of Eccelesiastes is about there being a right time for everything.  There's a song by The Byrds that used this as their base for their song ... yes ... gasp ... God's word even prevails in secular music!  Love it!  Here's a link to the song for those that want to hear or for those that the song is now stuck in your mind ... your welcome!  Tee Hee

Okay ... now that The Byrds are done singing ... back to my sharing my insight.  There is definitely a time for everything.  In this advanced age of technology we have so much at our finger tips as well as so many expectations from others as well as self placed that we often are constantly rushing ahead and always feeling way behind.  My heart is so full of wanting to share insight that it is easy to get out of balance trying to figure out how to do all that the Lord is laying on my heart and I'm saying YES to.  Today, this reminder that there is a time for everything and I am to live in His leading in the "TIME" that I am presently in brings balance, peace and focus.  Yes, there are tons of opportunities, coulds, shoulds and wannas ... but today I choose to seek what time it is and what I am to do today.  

Verse 12 and 13 (not a big surprise since the verses are on the graphic I created!) says that nothing is better for me (and you) then to rejoice and do good in my (your) life.  Pretty cool ... my days are to be filled with rejoicing and doing good.  I can so totally do that.  Laughter and joy is so deeply a part of me that is painful NOT to laugh and choose joy even in the darkest challenges (and boy have I experienced some of those).  However, it goes on to say, "and ALSO that EVERY man (that's you and me) should EAT and DRINK and ENJOY the GOOD of all his labor -- it is the gift of God." 

Wait .. STOP ... Back up ... WhAT?  Accountability check!!! ... you are filling your day with busyness and DOING however are you ENJOYING the good of your busyness?  Are you truly following the leading of the LORD in your daily steps and busyness?  Are you enjoying the journey no matter how much of a workout? Are you joyfully eating and drinking the reaping from your labor?  Are you receiving AND opening up God's gift to you?   

Um, I'm going to go do some pondering on this ... I know I've got the DOING, joyfully giving and loving part down.  Thinking I need to make sure I'm receiving and opening GOD's GIFT to me and thoroughly appreciating, enjoying and giving thanks for it.  I mean .. you probably know how it feels to select just the perfect gift for someone and then have them not open or use it ... oh my, I think I've kind of done that to God and possibly others in my life.  Yip ... time to go ponder, repent and enjoy.  

How are you doing in this area?  I'd love to hear your insight and journey.  


Thank you for the investment of your time. 
May you hear and receive what is yours to hear from the sharing of a portion of my insights. 
Be blessed in the Name of the Lord, Yahweh, Jehovah-Jireh.

Created to Serve in Love,

Michelle Wendt
His Beloved, blessed wife and mother
My Father’s Blessing Ministries and Be Healthy His Way Mentor

Emotions Study Group:

Today diffusing and using:

Melrose, Purification, Eucalyptus Radiata, M-Grain, Nutmeg

To support and expand in these areas:

Adaptability, Learning, Healing, Laughter, United, Living in the now, 
Awareness, Acceptance, Wholeness, Complete, Truth, 
Freedom, Direction, Peace, Fun, Strength, 

To be a part of our Be Healthy His Way Team or purchase products:  

To learn more about emotions and essential oils:

To see great videos about why natural, chemical-free living:

Contact us for more information:

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Life does come with a manual! Amazing!

Often times you hear people say, "I wish we had a manual for that."  or "I wish someone would just write it down showing us what to do."

Well ... we do have a manual, written instructions.  It covers every situation, circumstance, temptation, etc that we could ever find or get ourselves in to.

However, just as other "owner's manuals" that we get with products that we purchase with our money ... we tend to just throw them to the side and try to figure it out on our own and complain because its so hard.

Unlike other manuals, this one is not written in a confusing or vague manner.  When you go to the Word, you determine by how open and seeking you are as to how much enlightenment you will receive from it.  This book gets deeper the more you learn and grow always showing you a new level when you understand the one you are on.  What's even better ... unlike all the books out there that interpret and give human opinion based on where they are, what limits they have placed on themselves, etc this book was written by inspiration of God.

1)  Get in the Word and start a list of  scriptures that are promises to us.  
2) Stand on those promises confessing and believing it into being in your life.  

It's a real life changer.

Be blessed!

Thank you for the investment of your time. 
May you hear and receive what is yours to hear from the sharing of a portion of my insights. 
Be blessed in the Name of the Lord, Yahweh, Jehovah-Jireh.

Created to Serve in Love,

Michelle Wendt
His Beloved, blessed wife and mother
My Father’s Blessing Ministries and Be Healthy His Way Mentor

For our Be Healthy His Way Team – Emotion Study Group:

Today diffusing and using:

Endoflex, Black Pepper, Gratitude, Aroma Life

To support and expand in these areas:

Acceptance, Acknowledge, Clarity, Protected, Free to be Me 

To be a part of our Be Healthy His Way Team or purchase products:  

To learn more about emotions and essential oils:

To see great videos about why natural, chemical-free living:

Contact us for more information: